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As part of my MFA thesis project (RISD, ‘24) I chose to create a full-scale immersive fantasy bedroom aimed at breaking down some of the barriers that exist between the gallery and the ability of the viewer to fully experience it. I designed every aspect of this space, including the furniture, bedding, and sculptural elements within it. Viewers were invited to explore- brushing the furry wall, digging for treasure in a sandbox, and stepping on a squeaky rug.
Click here to see more.
Soft Sculpture
Soft sculpture and plushies, all patterned, designed, and sewn by me.
As a kid, I always gravitated towards toys that were a little odd looking or injured in some way. My favorite was a dolly named Teeny Tiny Tears who had a broken eyeball that wouldn’t close. One wonky eye, always alert and watching over me, lovingly. As an adult, I still love toys that are a little broken, that show the flaws of being an alive creature on this earth. The anxiety, the ambivalence, and the vulnerability that comes with it.
Click here to see more.
Process | ‘This Work Has Legs’
You can see my process for creating ‘This Work Has Legs (aka Murder Chicken) in the gallery above. As a multimedia artist, I don’t feel confined by one medium or skill- I like to explore what strikes me within each project.